📊📈 The Theory That (Might) Explain Trump’s Trade War
When it comes to trade with
China, it often seems that President Donald Trump is his own worst enemy.
Unilaterally raising tariffs, as Trump is threatening, is akin to
punishing U.S. consumers for China’s misbehavior.
economists view lower tariffs as a win for the U.S. economy, even if China
doesn’t reciprocate. Of course, they say, the world economy would be even
stronger if tariffs were lowered across the board. There are a handful of
economists, however, who disagree — and they can be split into two basic
schools of thought, one of which might provide some hint of a method to Trump’s

Call the first the
neo-mercantilist school. Neo-mercantilists, such as Trump advisor Peter
Navarro, see the U.S.’s trade deficit with China as inherently bad. Since
imports subtract from GDP while exports add to it, Navarro argues, the
U.S. economy would be stronger if it imported less and exported more.
But the
strength of the U.S. economy, mainstream economists point out, is ultimately
determined by the productive capacity of its workers and businesses. Limiting
imports simply raises prices for U.S. consumers and business. Those higher
prices lead to less consumer spending and less investment, neutralizing any GDP
gains and leaving U.S. consumers worse off.
The other school of
thought, call it bilateralist, offers a far more nuanced take. Bilateralists, such as John Nye of
George Mason University, have a complex and detailed critique of standard
free-trade thinking. One key insight, however, is that nations are best viewed
not as single unified entities, but as a collection of special interests. Those
special interests can put pressure on politicians, sabotaging efforts
to increase trade.
The goal of trade talks, according to this school, is for each
side to agree to give up its particular special interests in exchange for its
partners giving up theirs. Multilateral trade negotiations, such as the
Trans-Pacific Partnership, often do the exact opposite: Each country’s special
interests invariably have veto power over the entire agreement.
multilateral trade agreements tend to be shot through with exceptions that
undercut free trade. Nye points to the European Union as an example of such an
pattern of “free trade for thee, but not for me” is repeated through successive
rounds of trade negotiations. The result is that all the increased competition
from free trade falls on the least favored sectors of the economy, while all of
the protection is concentrated in the most favored sectors.
negotiations disrupt this pattern. Negotiators can use talks as a source of
external pressure to break the power of internal special interests.
theory, this means that the short-term damage caused by Trump’s trade
negotiations could actually be a source of strength: By exposing the U.S.
economy to the costs of trade restrictions, the president is increasing the
consensus around free trade and decreasing the relative power of protectionist
special interests. Indeed, polling has shown that American’s faith in the
benefits of trade is at an all-time high.
Americans Really Like Free Trade
They are more likely
than ever to see foreign trade as an opportunity for economic growth than as an
economic threat
bilaterialist theory is quite complex, and I’m not arguing that Trump is
putting it into practice. When I asked Nye whether he believed that Trump was
acting according to his theory, he demurred. Probably not, Nye said. But
Trump might have “a businessman’s instinct that something is not quite right
here,” he said.
ultimate question is whether Trump’s approach will replace the status quo in
trade agreements with something better. On that, Nye confessed, he had no idea.
Unfortunately, for the U.S. economy and global markets, neither does anyone
By Karl W. Smith
By Karl W. Smith
I agree completely. I don't see imports as a threat because they allow us to receive items cheaper. It doesn't really affect how the ecosystem of the United States economy works. Although, Trump seems to think it's the only problem.