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📈 How I made 233% profit this week trading options - ✅ Week 2

This is how I made 233% profit this week trading options. I give a complete recap on all of my options day trades and swing trades. I talk about my entries and exits along with why I took the trade. I started this account on march 11th with $250 and I have increased it to $934.08 at this point.

I am a momentum day trader. I mostly trade large cap stocks. I post live trades and go over the reasoning for my actions in those trades. I enjoy helping others learn how to trade. STAY TUNED! BIG PROJECT IN THE WORKS THAT WILL BENEFIT MY SUBSCRIBERS.


  1. Well Congrats on your big week. I am still a rookie at this but you are an example that this can work.

  2. I'm gobsmacked...you sure are a professional..I hope I get to this level.. You have really mastered the nitty gritty of trading.. I'm in awe of you

  3. Wow! You've surely earned big this week. I really want to learn about stock trading.

  4. I definately must try this trading tips.I didnt know i could make a kill out of stock trading until i watched this video.

  5. What! This is huge and you didn't keep the secret to your self. You are really going up there by the day. I need to start so as not to waste all these trading tips youre sharing.

  6. You're really the master in stock trading. I will be like you someday. I'm really learning so as to be well equipped begore investing.

  7. Congrats on all your profit growth. I can see how contract stocks are really important. I also like how you were patient with the candle sticks and bought in at the crucial points. Thanks for the instructional video!

  8. This is quite impressive! Congratulations on your big week!!

  9. This is unbelievable! $930 from $250 is a great achievement in one week!

  10. This is so inspiring. I hope to be able to trade like this some day

  11. This is amazing that you can make such a huge profit within such a short period. But based on the investing tips you've been sharing, I believe it's possible.

  12. It's always good to see this level of success from other traders. It makes me believe that I can do it too.

  13. Congratulations on such a successful trading week! You are incredible!

  14. Wow 900 dollars is a big number,considering that you started with 150. I'd like to learn how to do it.
