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Stock Ticker $CANB - News

- Canbiola Launches Revolutionary CBD Wellness Solution for Tissue Healing and Chronic Pain Expected to Accelerate Revenue Growth in 2019 and Commits to 1,650 SAM Units in 2019 with Each Potentially Generating $14,210 Revenue Per Year

HICKSVILLE, NY, Jan. 31, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via NEWMEDIAWIRE -- Canbiola, Inc. (OTCQB: CANB) (“Canbiola” or the “Company”), a developer, manufacturer and seller of a variety of Cannabidiol (Hemp) based products such as oils, creams, moisturizers, chews, isolate, gel caps, concentrate and water, announced today the launch and availability of a revolutionary Sustained Acoustic Medicine (“SAM”) wellness solution. SAM, along with its proprietary CBD Gel Capture Patches, is proven in accelerating tissue healing and chronic pain reduction and is reimbursable by health insurance companies.
The SAM Pro 2.0 is the first and only FDA cleared wearable low-intensity ultrasound device delivering multi-hour treatment to accelerate healing and improve function for musculoskeletal injuries (muscle, tendon, ligament) and reducing chronic pain (without opioid pain medication).
Canbiolahttps://www.transparenttraders.me/2019/01/stock-ticker-canb-news-canbiola-inc.html and its Duramed subsidiary have attained exclusive distribution of SAM Pro 2.0 in the United States for no-fault insurance. Under its agreement with Sam International and ZetrOZ Systems, Canbiola is committed to purchasing 100 units per month starting in January and ramping to 150 units per month by June, for a total of 1,650 units for 2019.
Canbiola’s marketing strategy is to provide equipment and services to both medical offices as well as direct to consumer. We are presently billing and collecting from the insurance companies at $58 per day per unit. Given discussions with the medical community, including doctors and patients, the Company believes the patient will use the Sam unit and pads for an average of 35 days per cycle and that each unit will cycle an estimated 7 times per year. Thus, each unit potentially provides $14,210 in gross rental revenue per year.
Canbiola Chief Executive Officer Marco Alfonsi, commented, “We are very excited in achieving this milestone of launching a revolutionary solution that addresses a much-needed void in the market to accelerate tissue healing and chronic pain reduction. Our proprietary CBD gels coupled with the unique SAM delivery system, which we have exclusive U.S. rights within no-fault insurance to, will potentially drive our acceleration of both revenues and gross margins over the next twelve months.”
About Canbiola, Inc.
Canbiola, Inc. (OTCQB: CANB) is a developer, manufacturer and seller of a variety of Cannabidiol (Hemp) based products such as oils, creams, moisturizers, chews, vapes, isolate, gel caps, concentrate and water. Canbiola has developed its own line of proprietary products as well as seeking synergistic value through acquisitions in the CBD and the medical cannabis industry. Cannabis is currently federally illegal and has legalized for medical purposes in some form in a limited number of states, but pure CBD products are legal in all 50 states. For more information about Canbiola, Inc., please visit: https://canbiola.com


  1. I can't wait to see the outcome of this company. I recently invested half of my portfolio in cannabis stocks. In the next couple of years as the United States continues to legalize it throughout the states, large companies already listed will take complete market share.

  2. With lots of country starting to legalise marijuana and its associated products I think it's high time people started investing in the same, pardon the pun.

  3. $14,210 in gross rental is a great number. Canbiola sounds like a very versatile company for healing methods and customer satisfaction. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Good for them. I do not know much about this company but a revenue increased is always a good news. Cannabis is illegal in some areas but a lot of people can benefit from it. Lift it perhaps???

  5. I've never heard of Canbiola but if the info here is anything to go by they look like they have a great future. Thank you for sharing :)

  6. I believe there are loads of medical advantages of using Cannabidiol. I just hope that users are responsible to use it according to prescription.

  7. I always believe that cannabis has a lot of potential in the medical world. I am glad that it is legalized in the States and other countries.

  8. Just knowing about Canbiola and it was really intruiging reading about what the do. Going by this post I see the company progressing with good investors.

  9. This is good new for Tissue and Chronic Pain their healing is on the way as Canbiola Launches Revolutionary CBD Wellness, I hope the expected revenue will be generated.

  10. i think Cannabis is illegal in my country. Its interesting though to know that you can make investment in this one.

  11. This product is revolutionary to the health sector. To make it even better, they made it reimbursable by health insurance companies.

  12. This is a good development..I have not heard of Canbiola, Inc but manufacturing a wellness solution for tissue healing and chronic pain is a great achievement.. I look forward to great medicines coming from this company

  13. This product is revolutionary to the health sector. To make it even better, they made it reimbursable by health insurance companies.
